We just returned from a week in Bali and while we were there we visited 4 different beaches. The beaches in Bali are MUCH different than those in Thailand. In Bali the water is a lot rougher (which is why there are so many surfers). We also went during the rainy season, so while it only really rained one day (will post pics later so you can see the RIDICULOUS amount of rain), it was pretty cloudy most afternoons. This was probably a good thing, because even with the clouds it was HOT! Here are some pics from the beaches we checked out:
The fist beach we went to was literally crawling with crabs. Kaidyn (as you can imagine) thought this was fantastic and spent the day catching and releasing crabs:
Got the chance to surf for the first time. Watched a couple beginners and figured I didn't need a lesson, so I rented a board and gave it a shot. It actually wasn't that difficult, but it was definitely exhausting!
After a bit of riding I strutted back to the beach, confident and proud of myself. At that point Amanda burst my surfing bubble by telling me I needed to go further out for the bigger waves. I shot that down in about .3 seconds.
It would have been good to know to wear a t-shirt while surfing, because I nearly lost both nipples to board-burn!
Lynn discovered her own talent while we were at the beach: attracting hundreds of beach hawkers. At any given time I could look for Lynn and see a small crowd of people gathered around her. They would be selling her (or trying to sell her) various items or services including (but not limited to):
fresh fruit
ice cream
foot massages
their first born (who incidentally was always named Wayan)
Lynn readily paid good Rupiah for these goods and services to lovely ladies with names such as Tina, Erica, and Lolly Pop. She supported the local economy AND got some great souvenirs and beauty treatments!
One day we went to a beach called Dreamland Beach and it was really nice.
On our last night in Bali we had a sunset dinner overlooking Echo Beach. Here is a picture looking out towards the water. Bali has as many stray dogs as it does people, so it seems fitting that there's a dog in the pic.
29 down...71 to go!!!
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