We celebrated Halloween a little differently this year. The school had a Halloween dance that we attended right before the fall break. Kaid had a great time running around with his friends (and with all the boys in Amanda's class, his favourite people)!!
The dance was a fund-raiser for the grade sixes at the school and one of the events was a cake walk. Amanda loved the cake walk and desperately tried to win a cake. Basically, you are given a card and you hold that card as you walk around a huge table full of cakes. Music plays as you walk and when the music stops they draw a card. If your card is drawn, you are out. Kaidyn tried unsuccessfully to win a cake approximately 45 times. Once he became bored of walking around the cake table, his mother took over and marched around with the small children trying to win a cake. I am happy to report that she eventually beat out some poor crying children and won a cake.
This was in the taxi on the way to the Halloween dance. Check out the sign on the back of the seat...
The kindergarten kids got dressed up on the last day of school before the break and went trick or treating at the school. All the parents brought candy and as the kids walked by we put candy in their bags. After a few laps the candy ran out so the parade was over. Kaid thought it was a great time!
On Halloween Amanda asked some friends if we could bring the kids trick or treating to their apartments. Kaid got dressed up and we walked around Taipa to 6 different apartments. This took us roughly 600 hours. Our new friends were VERY generous with their treats and as a result, Kaidyn ended up with roughly the same amount of candy he would get back home (and Kylisha scored a season of Ugly Betty)! The highlight of the evening was our last stop. Our friends Dane and Kirsten asked us to come to their place last. As soon as we stepped off the elevator we could hear screaming and other terrifying sounds coming from 19B. There was also a considerable amount of blood outside the apartment. And, the door was decorated with scariness. We pushed Kaid forward to ring the bell (literally) and 2 scary monsters answered the door. They invited us in for a Halloween party complete with punch and lots of junk food. It was a great Halloween and a nice way to spend my birthday.
Kaidyn's birthday was in October and we didn't have a party for him. This was mostly due to the fact that he didn't know his friends' names. Amanda kept encouraging him to just ask the kids he played with at recess what their names were. Eventually he forwarded a list of five and we sent out invites. Last weekend Kaid had his birthday party at the City of Dreams at Kids City .It's very much like Qube at the Venetian. Slides, arcade games, ball pits etc. One thing really cool about Kids City is that it has a dress up room. We twisted Kaid's rubber arm and made him dress up as a prince. He had invited three girls to his party who were MORE than willing to dress up as princesses and pose with Kaid.
After they played for awhile we loaded them all into 2 taxis and headed home. We had pizza and cake and the kids played for a bit. Our friend Kerrie made the cake and needless to say, Kaid LOVED it!! She did an amazing job and we had enough leftovers so that the four of us could have cake every day after dinner for most of the week!
We've been sick. First Amanda, then Kaidyn and then me. Ever since we returned from Singapore we've been fighting sore throats, coughs and chest tightness. On top of all that, Amanda has had to do her report cards and I've been working A LOT! In the last 3 weeks I have subbed at the school 10 days. Apparently we are not the only ones feeling under the weather! It's been busy but good. I like working at the school. Every day is something different and sometimes Amanda and I get to have lunch together.
Other than that we haven't done too much lately. Amanda took Kaid dog walking last weekend and the workers there thought that because Kaid was small they would give them 2 puppies to walk. This turned into a bit of a gong show as the puppies had no clue how to go on a walk. At one point Amanda was carrying both puppies up some stairs on the trail and Kaidyn asked for a piggy back because he was tired. She declined.
Last Friday night Amanda and her pals went to a wine-tasting to celebrate their report cards being done. They managed to go dancing without getting kicked out and apparently they drank some bad wine because a few of them were terribly ill the next day!! She texted me a few times, but nothing funny enough to post. I was disappointed.
My parents are arriving on Thursday and we are all excited. The kids are off on Friday so we will most likely show them around Macau. We are also excited for the 3,000 tonnes of groceries, clothes, hockey equipment, Christmas presents, and care packages from our friends to arrive with them. I'm pretty sure there will be no room for any of their clothes to fit. They may be naked for the 6 weeks they are here!